About Us

The Why

The RIS3 strategies of Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, and Cyprus, defined as Widening countries, underscore the urgency of digitalizing society and enhancing crucial services offered by public and private stakeholders. The healthcare sector takes center stage, highlighting the need for advancement.

Tailored innovation and joint strategies are vital, as in the EU, various policy initiatives prioritize innovation’s role in societal and economic progress. Amid political transformations, innovation, especially at the local level, plays a pivotal role in strengthening continental integration. A coordinated cross-country approach is essential to align the efforts of participating Widening countries.

Furthermore, one of European Commission’s priorities is to establish a European Health Data Space by 2025, facilitating the exchange and access to diverse health data. This initiative aims to address the challenge EU citizens face when seeking healthcare abroad due to a lack of health data interoperability.

The How

On June 1st, 2023, under the HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ACCESS-04 (Excellence Hubs) initiative, VELES Excellence Hub was kicked off. Our mission is to elevate innovation excellence in South-East Europe by establishing a sustainable place-based innovation ecosystem, powered by the Regional Smart Health Data Space.

VELES merges the RIS3 healthcare priority with the Smart Health Strategic EU Value Chain, driving systematic impact and continual enhancement of smart specialization paths across multiple countries.

With a dedicated focus on the Widening countries of Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, and Cyprus, VELES aspires to solidify the region’s standing as a thriving center for groundbreaking healthcare innovations. We are proud to have the support of three developed countries: Sweden, Spain, and Germany. VELES comprises a consortium of 15 partners, representing all seven countries.

Our ambitious project, valued at 4,750,000 euros, will reach its conclusion on May 31, 2027, leaving a profound and enduring legacy of transformative impact.

15 Consortium Partners | 7 Countries | 1 Excellence Hub

Fostering Collaboration Through the Quadruple Helix Approach

At VELES, we wholeheartedly embrace the transformative potential of collaboration. Our approach revolves around the Quadruple Helix model, bringing together members from the public sector, academia, citizens, and private companies. 

This framework champions cooperation, coordination, and co-development. We believe that by bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise, we can drive smart health innovation and achieve our mission.